Flag of Georgia


Georgia (Georgian: საქართველო) is a country located in Eastern Europe and West Asia. It is part of the Caucasus region, bounded by the Black Sea to the west, Russia to the north and northeast, Turkey to the southwest, Armenia to the south, and by Azerbaijan to the southeast.


Our standard dataset contains 13,236 entities connected with Georgia. This may include sanctioned entities, politically-exposed persons (PEPs), and their close associates, or entities involved in criminal activity.

Data sources

We include 3 data sources published by authorities or organizations based in Georgia. See our global list of data sources and our criteria for selecting datasets.

Georgia Public Official Asset DeclarationsACB 23,769
Georgian Company RegistryTI Georgia  non-official151
Georgian Otkhozoria–Tatunashvili ListMatsne weekly33

Sanctions programs/policies targeting Georgia

We are not yet including any targeting entities that are based in Georgia.

Politically-exposed persons (PEPs)

Our database contains 7,220 entities identified as PEPs connected with Georgia.

National government positions

Number of known occupants
Head of state or governmentCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Deputy Prime Minister2--
Prime Minister1142
Prime Minister of Georgia, Government of Georgia--1
President of Georgia1-1
National executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Deputy Minister - Acting Director of the LEPL - Social Services Agency1--
Deputy Minister - Acting Executive Director of the International Education Center--1
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs--1
deputy minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia--5
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia--4
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance of Georgia--4
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia--3
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia--2
Deputy State Minister, Apparatus of the State Minister of Georgia for Reconciliation and Civic Equality--2
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Defense of Georgia--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia--2
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth of Georgia1--
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance of Georgia--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia--1
First Deputy Prime Minister1--
Head of the Civil Aviation Department--1
Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality17-
Minister of Agriculture-7-
Minister of Corrections-6-
Minister of Culture1--
Minister of Culture and Sports-5-
Minister of Defence of Georgia-104
Minister of Defense1--
Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development113-
Minister of Education and Science110-
Minister of Energy-1-
Minister of Environment and Natural Resources-10-
Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture111
Minister of Finance1--
Minister of Finance of Georgia-101
Minister of Foreign Affairs1--
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia-101
Minister of Health of Georgia-61
Minister of Internal Affairs1--
Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia-8-
Minister of Internally Displaced Persons From the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health, & Social Affairs1--
Minister of Internally Displaced Persons, Labour, Health, and Social Affairs-1-
Minister of Justice-61
Minister of Justice & Corrections1--
Minister of Regional Development & Infrastructure1--
Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia-111
Minister of Sports1--
Minister, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia--1
Minister, Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth of Georgia1--
Minister, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia--1
Minister, Ministry of Finance of Georgia--1
Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia--1
State Inspector, State Inspector's Service--1
State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality--1
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia-32
Head of the Administration (Department) Minister's Office (Division Head)--1
Director of the Special Tasks Department--1
Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia--1
Minister, Ministry of Defense of Georgia1-1
Minister, Ministry of Justice of Georgia--1
Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia--1
Minister, Ministry of Culture and Sport of Georgia1--
Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia--1
Minister, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia--1
Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia--1
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth of Georgia4--
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia--3
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia--6
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Defense of Georgia--5
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice of Georgia--5
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia--1
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture and Sport of Georgia2--
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia4-2
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia--4
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia--2
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia2--
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice of Georgia--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth of Georgia--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia--1
First Deputy State Minister--1
National legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Member of the Parliament of Georgia8274201
National judicial branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Public Defender of Georgia111
National securityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Chief of the Armored and Anti-Armor Directorate of the J-3 Operations Planning Department of the General Staff of the Defense Forces1--
Deputy Head of the Department of Defense Capabilities Analysis, Department of Defense Policy and Development1--
Director State Security Service1--
Head of the State Security Service of Georgia--1
Deputy Commander of Logistics Support for Defense Forces Troops--1
Central banking and financial integrityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Chair, National Bank1--
Governor of the National Bank of Georgia-4-
Diplomatic rolesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
ambassador of Azerbaijan to Georgia-1-
ambassador of Estonia to Georgia-2-
ambassador of France to Georgia-41
ambassador of Georgia-11
ambassador of Hungary to Georgia-1-
ambassador of Iran to Georgia-11
ambassador of Japan to Georgia-51
ambassador of Poland to Georgia-4-
ambassador of Spain to Georgia-61
ambassador of the European Union to Georgia-12
ambassador of the United Kingdom to Georgia-51
permanent Representative of Georgia (country) to the United Nations-13
Saudi ambassador to Georgia--1
United States Ambassador to Georgia-21

Intergovernmental positions

Number of known occupants
International bodiesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York1--

Subnational government positions

Number of known occupants
Subnational executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Deputy Minister, Abkhazia AR Minister's Office for Justice and Civil Integration Issues--2
Deputy Minister, Ministry for the Displaced Persons from the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--3
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia1-2
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara--3
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara2-2
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Ajara A/R--3
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance and Economy of Ajara A/R--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance and Sectoral Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--1
Minister for Defence of Abkhazia-11
Minister, Ministry of Agriculture of Adjara Autonomous Republic--1
Minister, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara--1
Minister, Ministry of Finance and Economy of Adjara A/R--1
Minister, Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--1
Minister, Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara--1
Minister, Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--1
Minister, Office of the Minister of Abkhazia AR for Justice and Civil Integration Issues1-1
The Minister of Education and Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia-22
Minister, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--2
Minister, Ministry of Finance and Sectoral Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--1
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance and Sectoral Economics of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--2
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia2--
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--2
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture of Adjara AR--3
First Deputy Minister, Ministry for Internally Displaced Persons from the Abkhazia Autonomous Republic--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--2
First Deputy Minister, Apparatus of the Minister of Abkhazia AR on Justice and Civil Integration Issues--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara--1
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara--2
First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Adjara A/R--1
Subnational legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Member of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara--1

Other positions

Number of known occupants
PositionCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Deputy Chairman of the Faction 'Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia'4-331
Deputy Chairman of the Faction 'United National Movement'7-151
Judge, Tbilisi City Court--127
Judge, Tbilisi Court of Appeals1-73
Chairman of the Faction 'United National Movement'3-62
Chairman of the Faction 'Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia'--58
Head of the Financial and Budgetary Service1-50
Head of the Military Registration and Conscription Service1-32
Judge, Supreme Court of Georgia--28
Member, Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara1-20
Prosecutor of the Prosecutorial Department of Tbilisi Prosecutor's Office4-17
Member of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia--19
Deputy Chairman of the 'Georgian Dream' Faction2-16
Judge, Kutaisi Court of Appeals1-16
Head of the Health and Social Protection Service1-16
Prosecutor of the Tbilisi Gldani-Nadzaladevi District Prosecutor's Office1-14
Head of the Internal Audit and Inspection Service1-14
Head of Infrastructure Projects Management and Design Department2-12
Head of the Military Registration, Conscription and Mobilization Service1-12
Head of the Supervision and Response Division2-11
Prosecutor of the Vake-Saburtalo District Prosecutor's Office of Tbilisi--13
Acting Head of the Supervision Service1-12
Prosecutor of the Isani-Samgori District Prosecutor's Office of Tbilisi--13
Judge, Batumi City Court1-12
Chairman of the Commission, Tbilisi City Assembly--12
Head of Social Projects Department2-10
Judge, Rustavi City Court--12
Acting Head of Administrative Service1-11
Head of Budget-Finance and Procurement Department1-11
First Deputy to the State Representative1-11
Deputy Head of the Legal Department1-10
Judge, Gori District Court--10
Prosecutor of the Batumi District Prosecutor's Office--10
Head of the Office of Economic and Property Management1-9
Head of Co-Funded Projects Department--10
Head of the Economic Development and Property Management Service--9
Head of the Social and Health Service2-7
Prosecutor of the Old Tbilisi District Prosecutor's Office--9
Prosecutor of the Department of Procedural Guidance of Investigation in the General Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' General Prosecutor's Office and the Central Criminal Police Department--9
Judge, Kutaisi City Court--9
Rustavi District Prosecutor1-8
Prosecutor of Kutaisi District Prosecutor's Office1-8
Deputy Head of the Internal Audit Department1-8
Member, National Bank of Georgia Council--9
Chairman of the 'Georgian Dream' Faction--8
Head of the Department of Culture, Education, Sports, and Youth--8
Member of the Presidium, State Audit Office of Georgia--8
Member, Constitutional Court of Georgia1-7
Ambassador for Special Assignments, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia4-3
Chairman of the Commission, Rustavi City Council1-6
Head of Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Service--7
Judge, Mtskheta District Court2-5
Prosecutor of the Prosecution Department of the A/R Prosecutor's Office of Adjara2-5
Prosecutor of the Prosecutorial Division of the Western Georgia Regional Prosecutor's Office--7
Prosecutor of the Didube-Chughureti District Prosecutor's Office in Tbilisi--7
Prosecutor of the Prosecutorial Department of the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Regional Prosecutor's Office--7
Head of the Records Management Division--7
Deputy Head of Police Division II of the Old Tbilisi Main Department of the Police Department of Tbilisi2-5
Prosecutor of the Prosecutorial Department of the Shida Kartli and Mtskheta-Mtianeti District Prosecutor's Office--7
Chairman of the Commission, Gardabani Municipality Council--6
Chairperson of the Commission, Municipality Council of Tsalenjikha1-5
Deputy Head of the General Inspection2-4
Head of the Military Registration, Conscription, and Mobilization Service2-4
Member, High Council of Justice of Georgia1-5
Prosecutor of the Investigative Division's Prosecutorial Supervision Department of the General Prosecutor's Office2-4
Deputy Head of the Military Police Department of the Defense Forces1-5
Chairperson of the Commission, Akhaltsikhe Municipality Council--6
Chairperson of the Commission, Dmanisi Municipality Council--6
Chairperson of the Commission, Lentekhi Municipality Council--6
Chairperson of the Commission, Assemblage of Khashuri Municipality1-5
Chairperson of the Commission, Khoni Municipality Council--6
Judge, Zugdidi District Court--6
Prosecutor of the Division for Supervision of Prosecutorial Activities in Investigative Units in Regional-Territorial Bodies--6
Deputy Head of the Kurta District Division of the Shida Kartli Police Department1-5
Member, National Regulatory Commission of Energy and Water Supply of Georgia2-4
Chair of the Commission, Chokhatauri Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Bolnisi Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Borjomi Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Chiatura Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Municipality Council of Tsalka--5
Chairman of the Commission, Oni Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Sachkhere Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Senaki Municipality Council2-3
Chairman of the Commission, Tetritskaro Municipal Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Tianeti Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Tskaltubo Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Vani Municipality Council--5
Chairman of the Commission, Zugdidi Municipality Council--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Abasha Municipality Council--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Batumi City Council--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Gori Municipality Assembly--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Kharauli Municipality Council--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Khulo Municipality Council--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Shuakhevi Municipal Council--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Sighnaghi Municipality Council--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Tkibuli Municipality Council--5
Chairperson of the Commission, Zestafoni Municipality Council--5
Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutorial Supervision Department of the Investigative Unit of the General Prosecutor's Office--5
Deputy Director General of the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health named after L. Sakvarelidze1-4
Deputy Director of the Information-Analytical Department1-4

What do these numbers mean?

We keep track both if political positions and the individuals who occupy those positions over time. Of course, a person can hold a position for multiple terms, and multiple people can occupy the same position at the same time (e.g. members of parliament).

If a person previously held a position, and currently holds the same position, they are only counted once and recorded under Current. If it is unclear from the source whether they have left the position, they will be counted under Unclear.

How can status be unclear?

Some of the data sources we rely on indicate both past and present holders of political offices. In those cases, a lack of a precise end date for a person's occupancy of a position can mean that we don't know whether they currently hold the position or not. Read more...