Flag of Slovenia


Slovenia, officially the Republic of Slovenia, is a country in southern Central Europe. It is bordered by Italy to the west, Austria to the north, Hungary to the northeast, Croatia to the southeast, and the Adriatic Sea to the southwest.
See also: European Union


Our standard dataset contains 6,908 entities connected with Slovenia. This may include sanctioned entities, politically-exposed persons (PEPs), and their close associates, or entities involved in criminal activity.

Data sources

We include 2 data sources published by authorities or organizations based in Slovenia. See our global list of data sources and our criteria for selecting datasets.

Slovenia Business RestrictionsKPK daily5,876
Slovenian Political Officials from ZvezoskopOštro  non-official372

Sanctions programs/policies targeting Slovenia

We are not yet including any targeting entities that are based in Slovenia.

Politically-exposed persons (PEPs)

Our database contains 504 entities identified as PEPs connected with Slovenia.

National government positions

Number of known occupants
Head of state or governmentCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Labor, Family, Social Affairs, & Equal Opportunity1--
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia1--
Deputy Prime Minister of Slovenia-42
Prime minister, Government of the Republic of Slovenia17-
President, Government of the Republic of Slovenia-1-
President of Slovenia-31
Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia1--
Vice-president, Government of the Republic of Slovenia-1-
National executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Digital Transformation2--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Finance4--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport21-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure13-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning21-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of the Interior22-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy2--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Education2--
Ministerial secretary, Office of the Prime Minister95-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport-2-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Solidarity-Based Future2--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Health31-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs2--
Ministerial secretary, Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy-2-
Director general, Administration for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food-1-
Head of minister's office, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food-1-
Justice Minister of Slovenia-66
Minister for a Solidarity-based Future1--
Minister of Agriculture and the Environment-1-
Minister of Agriculture, Food, & Forestry1--
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food14-
Minister of Defense171
Minister of Digital Transformation1--
Minister of Economy, Tourism, & Sport1--
Minister of Education1--
Minister of Environment, Climate, & Energy1--
Minister of Finance1--
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia-51
Minister of Health1--
Minister of Health of Slovenia-7-
Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation1--
Minister of Higher Education, Science, & Innovation1--
Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology-1-
Minister of Justice1--
Minister of Justice and Public Administration-1-
Minister of Natural Resources & Spatial Planning1--
Minister of Public Admin.1--
Minister of Public Administration of Slovenia15-
Minister of Regional Development & Cohesion1--
Minister of the Economy, Tourism and Sport1--
Minister of the Environment, Climate and Energy1--
Minister of the Interior17-
Minister of Transport of Slovenia-2-
Minister without Portfolio for Development and EU Cohesion Policy-3-
Minister without Portfolio for Digital Transformation-2-
Minister without portfolio, competent for strategic projects and cohesion-5-
Minister, Minister for Relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Autochthonous Slovenian National Community in Neighbouring Countries, and between the Republic of Slovenia and Slovenians Abroad13-
Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities13-
Minister of Economic Development and Technology-4-
Minister of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning-1-
Minister of Education, Science and Sport-7-
Minister of Cohesion and Regional Development1--
Minister of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning18-
Minister of Solidarity-Based Future1--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food2--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development2--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Culture2--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Defence21-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology-2-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation2--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning-1-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Justice11-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities21-
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of Public Administration2--
Ministerial secretary, Ministry of the Interior and Public Administration-1-
Minister of Digital Transformation1--
Minister of Infrastructure13-
Minister of Culture161
Minister of Defence12-
Minister of Justice11-
Minister of Health11-
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs11-
Secretary, acting director general, Diractorate for Local Government, NGOs and Political System, Ministry of Public Administration-1-
Slovenian finance minister-61
state secretary-11
Advisor, Office of the Prime Minister-1-
Head of project of Slovenian presidency of the EU 2021, Office of the Prime Minister-1-
National legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Delegate, National Assembly1--
Member of the Državni zbor-9360
Member of the National Assembly of Slovenia911402
President, National Assembly12-
National securityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Director, Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency-1-
Deputy director, Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency-1-
Secretary, National Security Council-1-
Central banking and financial integrityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Governor of the Bank of Slovenia-31
President, SID Bank-1-
President, Court of Audit-1-
Diplomatic rolesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
ambassadeur de Palestine en Slovénie--1
ambassador of Australia to Slovenia-1-
ambassador of Bulgaria to Slovenia-31
ambassador of Germany to Slovenia--4
ambassador of Hungary to Slovenia-2-
ambassador of Mexico to Slovenia--1
ambassador of Mongolia to Slovenia--1
ambassador of Poland to Slovenia-5-
ambassador of South Korea to Slovenia--1
ambassador of Spain to Slovenia-41
ambassador of the United Kingdom to Slovenia-31
ambassador of Ukraine to Slovenia-11
ambassador of Yemen to Slovenia--1
Ambassador to the US1--
Apostolic Nuncio to Slovenia-22
Charge d'affairs, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs-1-
Deputy permanent representative, Ministry of Foreign Affairs-1-
Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs-1-
Economic advisor, diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs-1-
Consul general, Consulate General Trieste-1-
Deputy ambassador, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs-1-
Saudi ambassador to Slovenia--2
Slovenian delegate, Council of the EU-1-
United States Ambassador to Slovenia-2-
Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs-2-

Intergovernmental positions

Number of known occupants
International bodiesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Alternate representative of Slovenia, Council of Europe-1-
Member of the European Parliament-2-
Vice-president of the 64th session, United Nations-1-
Representative of Slovenia, Council of Europe11-
Slovenian representative, International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions-1-
Permanent representative, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-1-
Vice-president of executive committee, Unicef-1-

Subnational government positions

No positions for this category

Other positions

Number of known occupants
PositionCurrentEndedStatus unclear
President, Slovenian Democratic Party83-
Vice-president, New Slovenia24-
President, Social Democrats42-
Councillor, City Municipality of Nova Gorica-5-
President, New Slovenia41-
Councillor, City Municipality of Ljubljana-4-
Councillor in Nova Gorica-3-
Councillor, City Municipality of Kranj21-
Party council president, Slovenian Democratic Party21-
Vice-president, Freedom Movement21-
President, Freedom Movement3--
Vice-president, Social Democrats21-
Councillor in Kranj-2-
Director, Government Communications Office-11
First Lady of Slovenia-11
Director general, Budget Directorate, Ministry of Finance-2-
Councillor, City Municipality of Maribor11-
Minister, Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy-2-
Councillor, Municipality of Sevnica2--
Vice-president, Slovenian Democratic Party2--
Minister plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs-2-
President of party council, New Slovenia11-
President, SAB party-2-
Acting director, Government Communications Office-1-
Acting minister, Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning-1-
Chair of party council, Freedom Movement1--
Chair, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia-1-
Chair, Slovenian Democratic Party1--
Chairman, State Election Commission-1-
Commission chair, National Examination Centre-1-
Council president, Primskovo Local Community1--
Council president, Slovenian Democratic Party1--
Councillor in Gorenja Vas-Poljane1--
Councillor in Ljubljana-1-
Councillor in Mozirje1--
Councillor in Trebnje1--
Councillor in Trzin1--
Councillor in Velenje-1-
Councillor in Šentjur1--
Councillor in Šmartno pri Litiji-1-
Councillor in Šoštanj1--
Councillor, City Municipality of Novo mesto1--
Councillor, Klek Local Community1--
Councillor, Municipality of Komenda1--
Councillor, Municipality of Mozirje1--
Councillor, Municipality of Ormož1--
Councillor, Municipality of Postojna1--
Councillor, Municipality of Radlje ob Dravi1--
Councillor, Municipality of Ribnica-1-
Councillor, Municipality of Trebnje1--
Councillor, Municipality of Trzin1--
Councillor, Municipality of Tržič1--
Councillor, Municipality of Velike Lašče-1-
Councillor, Municipality of Šmartno pri Litiji-1-
Councillor, Municipality of Šoštanj1--
Councillor, Munuicipality of Hrastnik-1-
Councillor, Primskovo Local Community1--
Deputy chair, Slovenian Democratic Party1--
Deputy director general, Environment Directorate, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning-1-
Deputy management board president, Gen-I-1-
Deputy mayor, Municipality of Mozirje-1-
Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance1--
Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign & European Affairs1--
Deputy Prime Minister & Minister Without Portfolio for Slovenians Abroad1--
Director general, Global Affairs and Political Multilateral Directorate, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs-1-
Director general, Multilateral Cooperation Directorate, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs-1-
Director general, Public Property Directorate, Ministry of Finance-1-
Director general, Public Sector Directorate, Ministry of Public Administration-1-
Director, Criminal Police Administration, General Police Directorate-1-
Director, Municipal administration, City Municipality of Novo mesto-1-
Director, Multilateral Cooperation Directorate, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs-1-
Director, Municipal administration, City Municipality of Koper-1-
Director general, Public Sector Directorate, Ministry of the Interior-1-
Director general, Public Sector Directorate, Ministry of Justice and Public Administration-1-
Director general, Media Directorate, Ministry of Culture-1-
Director general, Organization and HR Directorate, Ministry of Public Administration-1-
Director general, Energy Directorate, Ministry of Infrastructure-1-
Head of prime minister's office, Government of the Republic of Slovenia1--
Mayor of Žiri, New Slovenia-1-
Mayor, Municipality of Tržič-1-
Minister of Education1--
National anti-terrorism coordinator, Office of the Prime Minister-1-
Deputy director, Institute for Water-1-
Deputy president of supervisory board, Gen energija-1-
Councillor in Radlje ob Dravi1--
Councillor, Municipality of Cerknica1--
Councillor, Municipality of Kranjska Gora-1-
Councillor, Municipality of Laško1--
Councillor, Municipality of Piran1--
Councillor, Municipality of Ruše1--
Councillor, Municipality of Slovenska Bistrica1--
Councillor, Municipality of Šentjur1--
Councillor in Hrastnik-1-
Councillor in Tržič1--
Councillor, Municipality of Gorenja Vas - Poljane1--
Councillor, Municipality of Kočevje-1-
Councillor, Municipality of Kuzma-1-
Councillor, Municipality of Lendava1--
Councillor, Municipality of Ravne na Koroškem-1-
Councillor, Municipality of Žiri1--

What do these numbers mean?

We keep track both if political positions and the individuals who occupy those positions over time. Of course, a person can hold a position for multiple terms, and multiple people can occupy the same position at the same time (e.g. members of parliament).

If a person previously held a position, and currently holds the same position, they are only counted once and recorded under Current. If it is unclear from the source whether they have left the position, they will be counted under Unclear.

How can status be unclear?

Some of the data sources we rely on indicate both past and present holders of political offices. In those cases, a lack of a precise end date for a person's occupancy of a position can mean that we don't know whether they currently hold the position or not. Read more...