Data sources CSV

OpenSanctions is built from a multitude of public data sources, which are imported, processed and combined into a coherent dataset. This page lists the sources that are currently included in the database.

Filter the list of data sources by collection
Argentina Members of ParliamentHCDN Argentinadaily258
Armenia Public Officials and AssociatesHetq Online  non-officialArmenia8,600
Austria Public OfficialsMeine Abgeordneten  non-officialAustriadaily1,626
Brazil Politically Exposed PersonsCGU Brazilweekly135,097
Cayman Islands Members of ParliamentParliament of the Cayman Islands Caymansdaily62
Cayman Islands Senior Judicial OfficersCayman Islands Judicial Administration Caymansweekly46
China National People's Congress on WikipediaWikipedia  non-officialGlobal2,948
Colombian Joining the Dots PEPsDirectorio Legislativo/EITI  non-officialColombiadaily188
Colombian PEP DeclarationsDAFP Colombiadaily18,743
Croatia State Registry of Public OfficialsSukobu Interesa Croatiaweekly5,061
Cuba Members of the ParliamentProyecto Inventario  non-officialCubamonthly471
Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland PEPsFinanstilsynet Denmarkweekly1,851
Estonia Members of the RiigikoguRiigikogu Estoniadaily101
EU Prominent Public FunctionsOJEU European Uniondaily1,392
European Commitee of the Regions MembersCoR European Unionweekly653
European Parliament MembersEP European Unionweekly932
Every PoliticianMySociety  non-official58,644
French MayorsMIOM Franceweekly68,834
French National AssemblyNational Assembly of France Franceweekly4,077
French SenatorsSénat Franceweekly904
Georgia Public Official Asset DeclarationsACB Georgia23,772
German Legislators from AbgeordnetenWatchParlamentwatch e.V.  non-officialGermanydaily2,642
Hong Kong Legislative Council MembersHong Kong Legislative Council Hong Kongweekly193
Hong Kong Principal OfficialsGovHK Hong Kongweekly52
Iceland parliamentAlþingi Icelanddaily64
Indonesia 2018 Regional Head Election ResultsKPI Indonesiaweekly652
Israel Knesset MembersKnesset Israeldaily474
Latvian SaeimaSaeima Latviaweekly101
Lithuania Members of the SeimasSeimas Lithuaniaweekly142
Lithuania PEPs from the register of private interestsVTEK Lithuaniamonthly67,088
Mexico Chamber of DeputiesCámara de Diputados Mexicoweekly501
Mexico GovernorsCONAGO  non-officialMexicoweekly88
Mexico SenateSenado de La República Mexicoweekly129
Montenegro declarations of interests by public officialsACK Montenegroweekly15,110
Netherlands House of RepresentativesTweede Kamer Netherlandsweekly151
Nigeria Joining the Dots PEPs and PEP RelativesDirectorio Legislativo/EITI  non-officialNigeriadaily4,391
Nigerian Politically Exposed Persons data by ChipperChipper  non-officialNigeriadaily40,806
North Macedonia Elected and Appointed OfficialsSCPC North Macedoniaweekly11,013
PEPs from Chile Interest and Asset DeclarationsCPLT Chiledaily8,248
Romania FIU Public OfficialsONPCSB Romaniaweekly76
Singapore Government DirectorySGD Singaporeweekly34,118
Slovakia Public OfficialsNR SR Slovakiaweekly2,806
Slovenian Political Officials from ZvezoskopOštro  non-officialSlovenia372
South Africa Municipal LeadershipNT South Africaweekly1,538
South Africa National and Provincial LegislatorsPMG  non-officialSouth Africadaily1,950
Thailand Cabinet of MinistersSOC Thailanddaily65
Türkiye Grand National AssemblyTBMM Türkiyeweekly594
UN Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign AffairsDGACM monthly1,031
United States Periodically Listing Updates to Management (PLUM) ReportingOPM United Statesdaily12,463
Uruguayan Politically Exposed Persons (PEP)SENACLAFT Uruguayweekly6,814
US CIA World Factbook Heads of State and GovernmentCIA United Statesweekly883
US CIA World LeadersCIA United Statesdaily11,034
US Legislators by Plural (formerly OpenStates)Plural  non-officialUnited Statesweekly12,515
US Members of the CongressCongress United Statesdaily1,254
US Navy LeadershipNavy United Statesdaily588
US State Department Senior OfficialsState United Statesweekly453
Venezuela Members of the National AssemblyAsamblea Nacional de Venezuela Venezuelaweekly275
Wikidata Politically Exposed PersonsWikidata  non-officialdaily257,922