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Cotton Processing Plant of Tianyuan Supply and Marketing (Group) Co., Ltd., the 13th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

Trade risk · Sanction-linked entity
NameCotton Processing Plant of Tianyuan Supply and Marketing (Group) Co., Ltd., the 13th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps · 新疆生产建设兵团第十三师天元供销(集团)有限公司棉花加工厂[sources]
Legal formnot available[sources]
Classification3. XPCC · 4. Priority Sector Apparel[sources]
ProgramCompanies Named in Media and Academic Reports as engaging in Labour Transfers or other XUAR Government Programs[sources]
Statusnot available[sources]
AddressIntersection of the Second Operation Area of Horticulture and Sandaocheng Village, Hongshan Farm Development Zone, Hami City, Hami Region, Xinjiang · 新疆哈密地区哈密市红山农场开发区园艺第二作业区与三道城村交汇处[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Data sources

Companies Operating in the Uyghur Region53,290

Companies operating in Xinjiang; some engaged in labour transfer and other XUAR Government Programs.

SHU · non-official source

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Graph-based entity tagging71,187

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External dataset · OpenSanctions · non-official source

Source data IDs: shu-xj-6813c013b8aa79c46bdcacf3b4fa994b83e9bb70 · shu-xj-fe174971015e481e31a8f8de0f4f500953443cfd

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