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Mayorov Nikolay Petrovich

Person of interest
NameMayorov Nikolay Petrovich[sources]
Other nameМайоров Николай Петрович[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Nationalitynot available[sources]
PositionPresidential proxies in elections · Доверенные лица президента на выборах[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Authorized representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin in the non-competitive presidential election on March 15-17, 2024. Authorized representatives voluntarily campaign for the re-election of Vladimir Putin, who is responsible for unleashing an aggressive war against Ukraine and political repression in Russia. Information from Vladimir Putin's election website: Pensioner. ---- Former military man, participated in the Second Chechen War, was a commander in Kosovo and Transnistria as part of Russian peacekeepers. Supported the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. Member of the Public Chamber of the Kostroma Region (a discussion platform created and controlled by the state to simulate public discussion). Previously: Worked in the administration of the Kostroma region, assistant to the governor of the Kostroma region.

ACF List of War Enablers non-official source,

Authorized representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. Authorized representatives ensured the re-election of Vladimir Putin, who has pursued an aggressive policy against Ukraine since 2014, in the non-competitive presidential election on March 18, 2018.

ACF List of War Enablers non-official source,


Data sources

ACF List of War Enablers8,010

A list of Russian decision-makers from government and business composed by ACF/FBK, the anti-corruption organization founded by Alexei Navalny

Russia · ACF · non-official source

Source data IDs: ua-nazk-person-22499 · acf-11927d202015894f4d110605e0fed408c2ed387c

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