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Elyon Industry

Trade risk
NameElyon Industry[sources]
Incorporation datenot available[sources]
Jurisdictionnot available[sources]
CountrySouth Korea[sources]
Registration numbernot available[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen



Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

Elyon is listed as a participant in the 12th Auto Parts International Fair 2017 (“IAP Fair”), which took place in Tehran, Iran on November 13-16, 2017. (IDRO Fairs Website, “IAPEX 2017 – List of International Participants”). (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

"We are so glad to announce that we Elyon took a challenging step to secure a bridgehead in Iran Automotive parts. Till now, we are responding customer's inquiries and requirements and we trust that we will soon achieve our goal. Please be kind to wish our good luck and success in this market." (January 15, 2018) (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,


Data sources

Iran UANI Business Registry2,306

List of companies involved in international business with or in Iran, including their withdrawal status from Iranian business ties, maintained by United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI).

United States · UANI · non-official source

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