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zALet, poslovno svetovanje in druge storitve, Alenka Zgaga s.p.

Debarred entity
zALet, poslovno svetovanje in druge storitve, Alenka Zgaga s.p. is an entity of interest. It has not been found on international sanctions lists.
TypeLegal entity[sources]
NamezALet, poslovno svetovanje in druge storitve, Alenka Zgaga s.p.[sources]
Legal formnot available[sources]
ProgramOBČINA TOLMIN is restricted from procurement from zALet, poslovno svetovanje in druge storitve, Alenka Zgaga s.p. from 2022-12-22 until cancellation due to ownership or management role of a public official in OBČINA TOLMIN or their family member. This is a preventative restriction by Komisija za preprečevanje korupcije and implies no wrongdoing.[sources]
Registration number9026100000[sources]
Tax Number73187429[sources]
Statusnot available[sources]
Last changedLast checkedFirst seen


Data sources

Slovenia Business Restrictions5,807

List of Business restrictions preventing conflict of interest in Slovenia

Slovenia · Komisija za preprečevanje korupcije

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