US Medicaid Exclusions - Going State by State

Over the past few months, we've integrated a new group of sources: US state-level Medicaid exclusion lists. They detail entities that have been barred from participating in Medicaid programs due to misconduct, fraud, or other violations. By adding the lists, we provide access to risk factors within the US healthcare system.

Each of these state-level sources adds a puzzle piece for those interested in healthcare compliance and due diligence. With the addition of these Medicaid exclusion files, our data will help highlight a lesser-known yet equally significant set of restrictions that play a crucial role in maintaining integrity within public healthcare.

As with all our datasets, these new inclusions are made available in open formats and are regularly updated, which you can view below here. By providing transparency into who is barred from providing Medicaid services, we hope to assist compliance officers and analysts in making informed and responsible decisions.

State NameDataset NamePublisherEntitiesAdded?
AlabamaMedicaid Suspended ProvidersAlabama Medicaid2,141Yes
AlaskaMedical Assistance Excluded Provider ListAK-DOH288Yes
ArizonaMedicaid Suspensions and TerminationsAHCCCS345Yes
ArkansasMedicaid Excluded Provider ListDHS2,559Yes
CaliforniaMedicaid Suspended and Ineligible ProvidersDHCS22,466Yes
ColoradoMedicaid Terminated Provider ListHCPF309Yes
ConnecticutUnable to extract
DelawareMedicaid Sanctioned ProvidersDHHS1,074Yes
FloridaUnable to access
GeorgiaHealthcare Provider ExclusionsDCH1,296Yes
HawaiiMedicaid Exclusions and ReinstatementsDHS210Yes
IdahoUnable to access
IllinoisUnable to access
IndianaMedicaid Terminated Provider ListFSSA41Yes
IowaMedicaid Terminated Provider ListHHS955Yes
KansasMedicaid Terminated Provider ListKDHE153Yes
KentuckyTerminated and Excluded ProvidersDMS342Yes
LouisianaAdverse Actions ListLDH3,962Yes
MaineMedicaid Excluded ProvidersDHHS1,074Yes
MarylandSanctioned ProvidersMDH1,556Yes
MassachusettsSuspensions and Exclusions from MassHealthMassHealth262Yes
MichiganMedicaid Sanctioned Provider ListMDHHS3,661Yes
MinnesotaHealth Care Programs Excluded ProvidersMHCP1,716Yes
MississippiMedicaid Terminated Provider ListMississippi Division of Medicaid213Yes
MissouriMedicaid Provider TerminationsMMAC239Yes
MontanaMedicaid Excluded and Terminated ProvidersDPHHS160Yes
NebraskaMedicaid Sanctioned ProvidersDHHS1,203Yes
NevadaMedicaid SanctionsDHCFP1,381Yes
New HampshireMedicaid Exclusion and Sanction ListDHHS69Yes
New JerseyIneligible Medicaid ProvidersOIFP7,108Yes
New MexicoNo data available
New YorkState Medicaid ExclusionsOMIG8,355Yes
North CarolinaExcluded Providers ListNC Medicaid Division of Health Benefits246Yes
North DakotaMedicaid Terminated Provider ListNDHHS194Yes
OhioMedicaid Excluded and Suspended ProvidersODM2,049Yes
OklahomaNo data available
OregonMedicaid Fraud ConvictionsPIAU134Yes
PennsylvaniaMedicheck ListDHS5,927Yes
Rhode IslandNo data available
South CarolinaExcluded ProvidersSCDHHS960Yes
South DakotaNo data available
TennesseeTerminated Providers ListOPI19Yes
TexasUnable to access
UtahNo data available
VermontUnable to access
VirginiaNo data available
WashingtonProvider Termination and Exclusion ListHCA233Yes
West VirginiaMedicaid Provider Exclusions and TerminationsMMIS306Yes
WisconsinNo data available
WyomingMedicaid Provider Exclusion ListWDH187Yes
Puerto RicoNo
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This article is part of OpenSanctions, the open database of sanctions targets and persons of interest.