African Development Bank Debarred Entities

Individuals and firms that have been sanctioned by AfDB, for having participated in coercive, collusive, corrupt, fraudulent or obstructive practices under the Bank’s sanctions system.

The individuals and firms below have been sanctioned by the African Development Bank Group or by signatories to the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions. Sanctions are imposed on entities found to have participated in coercive, collusive, corrupt, fraudulent or obstructive practices under the Bank’s sanctions system or adopted under the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions.

These individuals and firms are therefore considered ineligible to participate in contracts financed or administered by the African Development Bank Group for the stipulated periods.

Data overview

Entity types:
Legal entities996
117 countries · Show overview...
Publisher:African Development Bank Group (AfDB) · Global

The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group is a regional multilateral development finance institution established to contribute to the economic development and social progress of African countries. The AfDB comprises three entities: the African Development Bank (ADB), the African Development Fund (ADF) and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF).

Collections:in Debarred Companies and Individuals · OpenSanctions Default
Source data:www.afdb.org · HTML
Coverage:added · frequency: daily
Last processed:2025-03-24 06:30:03
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities1.05 MB
names.txtTarget names text file39.05 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format457.29 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON1.07 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV262.35 KB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Networks Europe LP (“Networks Europe”)Legal entityUnited Kingdom
Carlos Estuardo Cabrera (“CABRERA”)Legal entityGuatemala
Sistemas Sólidos de Guatemala S.A. (SISOL)Legal entityGuatemala
Representaciones Comerciales y Distribuidora Total S.A. (“RECODISA”)Legal entityGuatemala
Cesa de Panamá S.A. (“CESA PANAMÁ”)Legal entityPanama
Cesa Tecnología de Guatemala S.A. (“CESA TECNOLOGÍA DE GUATEMALA”)Legal entityGuatemala
Control Electrónico S.A. (“CONTROL ELECTRÓNICO”)Legal entityCosta Rica
HIDRALRICA Distribução de Tubos e Conexões Eireli (“HIDRALRICA”)Legal entityBrazil
LUIS MARCELO ROJANO (“ROJANO”)Legal entityArgentina
Cesa Tecnología de El Salvador S.A. (“CESA EL SALVADOR”)Legal entityEl Salvador
Comercializadora Intercontinental CEC. S.A. (“COINCECSA”)Legal entityGuatemala
Mr. Ricardo Checa Hernandez (“Mr. Hernandez”)Legal entityBrazil
Compagnie Sénégalaise de Travaux PublicsLegal entitySenegal
Isabel Patricia Carrizo ("CARRIZO")Legal entityArgentina
Cesa de Guatemala S.A. (“CESA”)Legal entityGuatemala
African Development Bank Debarred Entities - OpenSanctions