C4ADS Long Shadows (Xinjiang)

Companies linked to the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC)

Companies perpetrating forced labor and human rights abuses in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang) are enmeshed in global trade and finance despite severe multilateral sanctions designed to cut them off from international markets. This is a result of their integration with the corporate, trade, and financial landscape within Xinjiang, China, and the greater region. This report uses the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC)—a regional governing body with a vast commercial network—as a test case to better understand how perpetrators of human rights abuse in Xinjiang retain access to international markets. Analysis of publicly available information reveals that sanctions and international outrage have been insufficient in preventing the XPCC from accessing global markets, allowing it to continue profiting from forced labor and other forms of oppression.

Data overview

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Publisher:Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS) non-official source

C4ADS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing data-driven analysis and evidence-based reporting on global conflict and transnational security issues.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default
Source data:d3gnblvlnseq6o.cloudfront.net · HTML
Coverage:added · frequency: monthly
Last processed:2024-12-20 13:48:52
Last change:

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Alar Pengshuo Cotton Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Alar Sanhe Chenlong Textile Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Zhongxin Modern Logistics Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Aksu Yongheng Cotton Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Penghui Cotton Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Xiyu Iris Color Cotton Clothing Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Alar Pengchuang Cotton Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Wandeli Cotton Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Qianhai Linong Cotton Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Hongxiang Tomato Products Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Alar Pengyun Cotton Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Lanbowan Cotton Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Yecheng Bingmian Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps Fifth Agricultural Division No.90 Regim EntOrganizationChina
Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps 13th Division Tianyuan Supply and Marketing (Group) Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina