China Sanctions Research

Individuals and organisations targeted by the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, Counter-Measures List and the Unreliable Entities List (UEL).

China does not publish structured data on individuals and entities targeted by the country's sanctions legislation. This dataset is a partial list of individuals and organisations that have been mentioned by spokespeople of the government as designated.

Chinese sanctions are often framed as countermeasures against foreign sanctions and to reprimand public figures for critizing China's policies, particularly regarding Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Xinjiang province.

As of 2024-03-08, only two companies are officially listed as part of the Unreliable Entities List (UEL).

Note: This dataset is not comprehensive and should be used as a research tool but not as a definitive source of sanctions data on China.

Data overview

Entity types:
15 countries · Show overview...
Publisher:OpenSanctions non-official source

This dataset comnbines data published by various government departments, including:

The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, is a state agency of the People's Republic of China responsible for the regulation of economic activities such as trade, commodity inspection and industry.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China is a ministry of the Chinese government responsible for the country's foreign relations.

Collections:in Consolidated Sanctions · OpenSanctions Default
Source data:docs.google.com · CSV
Coverage:added · frequency: not automated
Last processed:2025-02-21 06:47:01
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities193.11 KB
names.txtTarget names text file6.71 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format97.13 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON195.61 KB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV41.59 KB

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You can query the data in this dataset via the application programming interface (API) endpoints below. Please read the introduction for documentation and terms of service.

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This dataset consolidates entities targeted by the following sanctions programs, policy regimes or sub-lists:

IDTitleIssuerTarget countries
[CN-AFSL]Chinese Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law (AFSL)NPC ChinaUnited States  European Union  
[CN-CML]Chinese Counter-Measures ListNPC ChinaUnited States  European Union  United Kingdom  
[CN-UEL]Chinese Unreliable Entities List (UEL)NPC China

Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Illumina, Inc.CompanyUnited States
PVH GroupCompanyUnited States
TCOM, Limited PartnershipCompanyUnited States
S3 AeroDefenseCompanyUnited States
Adam BryPersonUnited States
Patrick Edward JankowskiPersonUnited States
Planate Management GroupCompanyUnited States
TextOreCompanyUnited States
John PurvisPersonUnited States
Christopher Douglas KastnerPersonUnited States
Skydio Inc.CompanyUnited States
ExoveraCompanyUnited States
Yeong-Tae PakPersonUnited States
Sierra Nevada CorporationCompanyUnited States
Edge Autonomy Operations LLCCompanyUnited States