UK Companies House Disqualified Directors

Individuals which have been disqualified from holding the post of a company director in the United Kingdom following a court decision.

NOTE: This crawler retrieves incomplete data because of the way the source web site returns results. While a work-around is available, it involves signing an agreement that further limits how data can be retained and processed on our end. Issue discussion.

UK company directors can be banned (‘disqualified’) from being a company director if they don’t meet your legal responsibilities.

‘Unfit conduct’ includes:

  • allowing a company to continue trading when it can’t pay its debts
  • not keeping proper company accounting records
  • not sending accounts and returns to Companies House
  • not paying tax owed by the company
  • using company money or assets for personal benefit

This is usually handled by the Insolvency Service, but:

Apart from The Insolvency Service, other bodies can apply to have you disqualified under certain circumstances, eg:

  • Companies House
  • the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
  • the courts
  • a company insolvency practitioner

Directors can be disqualified for up to 15 years.

Data overview

Entity types:
86 countries · Show overview...
Publisher:The Insolvency Service (CoH) · United Kingdom

The Insolvency Service is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. It is responsible for bankruptcies, but also the handling of financial wrong-doing.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default · Warrants and Criminal Entities
Source data:api.company-information.service.gov.uk · json
Coverage:added · frequency: daily · every 12 hours
Last processed:2025-03-06 00:33:02
Last change:

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entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities14.84 MB
names.txtTarget names text file276.31 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format10.22 MB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON15.35 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV2.75 MB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Merle OPERPersonEstonia
Ebrima CEESAYPersonUnited Kingdom
Farzana Bibi BEEHARRYPersonUnited Kingdom
Olumide Ebunoluwa OSUNKOYAPersonNigeria
Adnan Siddique JANJUAPersonUnited Kingdom
Abraham Ijeogbe SAMALIPersonNigeria
Wajid IQBALPerson
Williamina Mcgowan HAYPersonUnited Kingdom
Bibi STORAIPerson
Daniel Stuart KINGGETTPersonUnited Kingdom
Luke Kieran SMITHPersonUnited Kingdom
Christopher Thomas BURKEPersonUnited Kingdom
George James HAYPersonUnited Kingdom
Marjorie Nalutaaya GRIFFITHPersonUnited Kingdom
Domenico MUSCIACCHIAPersonItaly