Israel Sanctioned Crypto Wallets List

Cryptocurrency wallets seized by the Israeli government using Administrative Seizure Orders

A list of seizure orders issued by the Israeli government against crypto wallets with the most regularly seen authrorization being the Anti-Terrorism law 5776-2016.

The NBCTF website uses scraping protection which makes it impossible for us to update the data fully automatically. It is periodically checked for freshness.

The initial version of this dataset was prepared by our partners at Thetaray.

Data overview

Entity types:
Cryptocurrency wallets520
Publisher:National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF) · Israel

The National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF), at the Ministry of Defense, was established with the aim of unifying and concentrating national efforts to counter financial infrastructure of terrorist organizations, perpetrators and parties involved in Terror Financing.

Collections:in Consolidated Sanctions · OpenSanctions Default
Source data:docs.google.com · CSV
Coverage:added · frequency: not automated
Last processed:2025-03-29 06:02:03
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities598.78 KB
names.txtTarget names text file3.66 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format381.73 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON602.72 KB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV129.83 KB

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Recent additions

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TV8jeHiNXGVCGNbsN1U7ufbtfFsWssLWKmCryptocurrency wallet
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TE62WpuYZqfpcTjS3yTjCkJmPQvvpVYtfQCryptocurrency wallet
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