Cayman Islands Senior Judicial Officers

Judicial Officers from Cayman Islands Judicial Administration

This lists senior judicial officers of the Cayman Islands judiciary.

From their website:

The courts are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the administration of justice and the preservation of the rule of law and, in so doing, the protection of the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the Cayman Islands

Data overview

Entity types:
Cayman Islands46
Publisher:Cayman Islands Judicial Administration · Caymans

"The Judiciary is one of three separate arms of Government. Its function is to administer the law independently of the Executive and the Legislative arms of Government; an independence that is safeguarded in the Constitution of the Cayman Islands. The Judiciary is comprised of the following jurisdictions in ascending order within the hierarchy of the courts: The Summary Court, The Grand Court, Court of Appeal, Privy Council"

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default · Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
Source data:judicial.ky · HTML
Coverage:added · frequency: weekly
Last processed:2025-03-22 09:57:04
Last change:

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entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities77.86 KB
names.txtTarget names text file862 B
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targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON85.09 KB
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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Robert (Robin) McMillanPersonCayman Islands
Charles QuinPersonCayman Islands
Emma PetersPersonCayman Islands
Clare MontgomeryPersonCayman Islands
Angelyn HernandezPersonCayman Islands
C. Dennis MorrisonPersonCayman Islands
Nigel CliffordPersonCayman Islands
Jack BeatsonPersonCayman Islands
Andrew JonesPersonCayman Islands
George NewmanPersonCayman Islands
Alexander HendersonPersonCayman Islands
Richard WilliamsPersonCayman Islands
Margaret Ramsay-HalePersonCayman Islands
Nova HallPersonCayman Islands
Kirsty-Ann GunnPersonCayman Islands