Moldovan Sanctions for Terrorism and Proliferation of WMD

Sanctions on persons and entities involved in terrorist activities and the proliferation of weapons of masss destruction

This dataset consolidates a number of lists announced by the head of the Anti-Terrorist Center of the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova for the attention of reporting entities, public authorities with attributions in the field of preventing and combating terrorism and public authorities empowered to prevent and combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

This is done with reference to Article 10 paragraph (1) letter d) from Law no. 120 of 21 September 2017 regarding the prevention and combating of terrorism (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova no. 364-370/614 of 20.10.2017).

The lists are:

  • List of persons, entities and other groups associated with the "Taliban" maintained by the Committee of the United Nations Security Council established by Resolution 1988 (2011), according to Annex No. 1;
  • List of persons, entities and other groups associated with "ISIL" ("Da'esh") and "Al-Qaida" maintained by the United Nations Security Council Committee established by Resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011), 2253 (2015), according to annex no. 2;
  • The list of persons, groups and entities provided for in article 1 of the Common Position of the Council of December 27, 2001 (2001/931/CFSP), according to annex no. 3;
  • List of persons, entities and other groups involved in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and subject to restrictive measures, belonging to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, maintained by the United Nations Security Council Committee established by Resolution 1718 (2006), according to annex no. 4;
  • List of persons, entities and other groups involved in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and subject to restrictive measures, belonging to Iran, maintained by the United Nations Security Council Committee established by Resolution 2231 (2015), according to annex no. 5.

Data overview

Entity types:
Legal entities209
Publisher:Centrul Antiterorist al Serviciului de Informaţii şi Securitate al Republicii Moldova (CAS-SIS) · Moldova

The Anti-Terrorist Center of the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova

Collections:in Consolidated Sanctions · OpenSanctions Default
Source data:antiteror.sis.md · HTML
Coverage:added · frequency: daily
Last processed:2025-03-24 00:13:15
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities1.32 MB
names.txtTarget names text file18.82 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format297.17 KB
source.htmlSource data175 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON1.33 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV258.58 KB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Mohamed Ibrahim al-Shafi'i AL-SALEMPerson
Andreas Martin MÜLLERPersonGermany
Islamic State East Asia, Maute Group, Daulah Islamiyah, and other Associated GroupsLegal entity
Comunist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army (BAGONG HUKBONG BAYAN - CPP/NPA)Legal entity
AL FURQANLegal entity
Dalokay SanliPersonTürkiye
Sanaullah GhafariPersonAfghanistan
Maulawi RajabPersonAfghanistan
Mourad TrabelsiPersonTunisia · Italy · Lebanon · Morocco · Libya · Algeria
Abu Yasir HassanPersonTanzania · Mozambique
Assadollah ASSADIPersonBelgium · Iran
Mohammed BouyeriPersonNetherlands · Morocco
Farah MeliadPersonAustralia
Saeid Hashemi MoghadamPersonIran
Moldovan Sanctions for Terrorism and Proliferation of WMD - OpenSanctions