The Sentry Atlas

Networks of people, companies and assets linked to violent conflict, repression, and kleptocracy.

Atlas is a data project created by The Sentry. It maps, visualizes, and analyzes networks that benefit from violent conflict, repression, and kleptocracy, highlighting key insights into how these networks operate. Atlas aims to put the relevant data in the hands of journalists, policy makers, financial institutions and other private sector actors, and the public so that those responsible for large-scale violence and grand corruption can face real consequences.

Atlas projects maintain the same rigorous methodological approach and high evidentiary standards that are required of all Sentry products. Each project includes a list of citations and an explanation of the methodology used.

This dataset currently includes the following projects:

Data overview

Entity types:
31 countries · Show overview...
Publisher:The Sentry (Sentry) non-official source

The Sentry is an investigative and policy organization that seeks to disable multinational predatory networks that benefit from violent conflict, repression, and kleptocracy.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default
Source data:atlas.thesentry.org · ZIP
Coverage:added · frequency: monthly
Last processed:2025-02-28 10:55:11
Last change:

Bulk download

Downloads contain the full set of entities contained in this dataset. You can fetch a simplified tabular form, or detailed, structured data in JSON format. Updated files will be provided once a day at the same location.

File nameExport typeSize
aliyev-empire.zipSource data179.19 KB
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities1.18 MB
kiirdom.zipSource data38.78 KB
names.txtTarget names text file13.31 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format332.33 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON2.12 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV17.91 KB

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Using the API

You can query the data in this dataset via the application programming interface (API) endpoints below. Please read the introduction for documentation and terms of service.

Use the Reconciliation API in OpenRefine:
For full-text search, use the /search endpoint:
For entity matching, use the /match endpoint:

Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Yeni Gregory VasilisPerson
Rina Gregory VasilisPersonSouth Sudan
Emmanual Salva KiirPersonSouth Sudan
Winnie Salva KiirPersonSouth Sudan
Nicolas Gregory VasilisPerson
Anok Salva Kiir MayarditPersonSouth Sudan
Marina Gregory Vasilis YalourisPersonSouth Sudan
Ayen Gregory Vasilis DmitiryPerson
Thiik Salva Kiir MayarditPersonSouth Sudan
Gregory Vasili Dimitry YalourisPersonSouth Sudan
Adut Salva Kiir MayarditPerson
Vasili (JR) GregoryPerson
Lucas Demisay Nardos GebeyehuPersonSouth Sudan
Manut Salva KiirPersonSouth Sudan
Nardos GebeyehuPersonUnited States of America