US Alabama Medicaid Suspended Providers

Medical providers excluded from Alabama's Medicaid program.

This dataset contains information about individuals and entities that have been excluded from Alabama's Medicaid Program. According to their website:

Excluded Individuals and Entities are not allowed to receive reimbursement for providing Medicare and Medicaid services in any capacity, even if they are not on this listing by the Alabama Medicaid Agency.

Excluded individuals and entities are listed according to the type of provider they were at the time of exclusion; however, they are excluded from participating in providing services in the Medicaid program in all categories of service and in any capacity. The exclusion remains in effect until they are removed from this list.

Any provider participating or applying to participate in the Medicaid program must search Medicaid's Exclusion List, the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE), and the System for Award Management (SAM) website on a monthly basis to determine if any existing employee or contractor has been excluded from participation in the Medicaid program. Also, any provider participating or applying to participate in the Medicaid program must search all three lists prior to hiring staff to ensure that any potential employees or contractors have not been excluded from participating in the Medicaid program.

Data overview

Entity types:
Legal entities2,143
United States of America2,143
Publisher:Alabama Medicaid · United States

Alabama Medicaid is a state program that provides medical and health-related services to eligible low-income individuals and families in Alabama.

Collections:in Debarred Companies and Individuals · OpenSanctions Default
Source data:medicaid.alabama.gov · PDF
Coverage:added · frequency: daily
Last processed:2025-03-23 11:11:02
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities1.89 MB
names.txtTarget names text file48.93 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format1.09 MB
source.pdfSource data484.77 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON2.02 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV492.16 KB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Massoud, Omar IbrahimLegal entityUnited States of America
Shaknovsky, Thomas J.Legal entityUnited States of America
Patel, Aman KantiLegal entityUnited States of America
Chambless, William HouseLegal entityUnited States of America
Morris, William BLegal entityUnited States of America
Mays, Jessica RuthLegal entityUnited States of America
Christian, Franklin D.Legal entityUnited States of America
Tipnis, Neelesh AjitLegal entityUnited States of America
Marshall, DeangelaLegal entityUnited States of America
Respiratory DruggistsLegal entityUnited States of America
Roberts, Crystal LashunLegal entityUnited States of America
Arias, Exlan,Legal entityUnited States of America
Tucker, Rosa MarieLegal entityUnited States of America
Kulkarni, Narayan R.Legal entityUnited States of America
Lundy, Wayne JasonLegal entityUnited States of America
US Alabama Medicaid Suspended Providers - OpenSanctions