US Federal Reserve Enforcement Actions

Enforcement actions against entities and individuals for violations of laws, rules, or regulations

This dataset comprises information about individuals and entities that have have violated laws, rules, or regulations, unsafe or unsound practices, breaches of fiduciary duty, and violations of final orders.

From their website:

Generally, the Federal Reserve takes formal enforcement actions against the above entities and individuals for violations of laws, rules, or regulations, unsafe or unsound practices, breaches of fiduciary duty, and violations of final orders. Formal enforcement actions include cease and desist orders, written agreements, prompt corrective action directives, removal and prohibition orders, and orders assessing civil money penalties.

Data overview

Entity types:
44 countries · Show overview...
Publisher:Federal Reserve Board (FRB) · United States

The Federal Reserve works to promote the effective operation of the U.S. economy and, more generally, the public interest.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default · Regulatory Watchlists · Warrants and Criminal Entities
Source data:www.federalreserve.gov · CSV
Coverage:added · frequency: daily
Last processed:2025-03-25 19:31:05
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities2.98 MB
names.txtTarget names text file58.13 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format1.48 MB
source.csvSource data433.99 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON1.65 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV351.76 KB

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This dataset consolidates entities targeted by the following sanctions programs, policy regimes or sub-lists:

IDTitleIssuerTarget countries
[US-FED-ENF]US Federal Reserve Enforcement ActionsFRB United States

Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Bank of HawaiiCompanyUnited States of America
Frankewing Bancshares, Inc.CompanyUnited States of America
DeShawn L. Brim, Jr.Person
Lineage Financial NetworkCompanyUnited States of America
EverBank Financial Corp.CompanyUnited States of America
P.T. Ekspor Impor Bank Indonesia (Persero)CompanyIndonesia
BARCLAYS BANK PLCCompanyUnited Kingdom
HSBC NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS, INC.CompanyUnited States of America
Silvergate Capital CorporationCompanyUnited States of America
Bank of SeoulCompanyUnited States of America
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.CompanyChina
Tennessee State BankCompanyUnited States of America
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO.CompanyUnited States of America
Standard Chartered BankCompanyUnited Kingdom

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