US Kentucky Terminated and Excluded Providers

Medical providers terminated or excluded from Kentucky's Medicaid program.

This dataset contains individuals and companies that have been terminated from Kentucky's Medicaid Program. The following text from their website explains the conditions and implications of such terminations or exclusions, including the restrictions on reimbursement, re-enrollment criteria, and responsibilities for Medicaid providers in screening employees and contractors:

An individual or entity terminated or excluded from participating in the Kentucky Medicaid program will not be reimbursed for services provided in any capacity or in any category under the Kentucky Medicaid program.

The termination or exclusion remains in effect until the provider is removed from this list. Where applicable and when determined, an end date is provided. It is the provider's responsibility to notify Kentucky Medicaid if the circumstances change which led to the termination and/or exclusion. A provider terminated by the Department for Medicaid Services who meets the requirements of 907 KAR 1:671 and 907 KAR 1:672 may apply for re-enrollment in the Kentucky Medicaid program.

Any provider participating or applying to participate in the Kentucky Medicaid program must search the list of excluded individuals and entities and the System for Award Management on a monthly basis to determine if any existing employee or contractor has been terminated or excluded from participation in the Kentucky Medicaid program or has been nationally excluded from Medicare or Medicaid. Also, any provider participating or applying to participate in the Kentucky Medicaid program must search all lists prior to hiring staff to ensure that any potential employee or contractor has not been terminated and/or excluded from participating in the Medicare or Medicaid program.

Please note that the Kentucky Medicaid Program only lists providers terminated or excluded from the Kentucky Medicaid program. HHS/OIG-excluded individuals and entities are not allowed to receive reimbursement for providing Kentucky Medicaid services in any capacity, even if they are not on the Kentucky Medicaid list.

Data overview

Entity types:
United States of America349
Publisher:Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) · United States

Kentucky Medicaid is a state and federal program authorized by Title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide health care for eligible, low-income populations. These populations include children, low-income families, pregnant women, the aged and the disabled.

Collections:in Debarred Companies and Individuals · OpenSanctions Default
Source data:www.chfs.ky.gov · XLSX
Coverage:added · frequency: daily
Last processed:2025-03-24 06:30:03
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities349.15 KB
names.txtTarget names text file6.56 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format188.12 KB
source.xlsxSource data43.63 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON353.86 KB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV91.55 KB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Joseph BarkPersonUnited States of America
Subhash VyasPersonUnited States of America
Nichols ApothecaryCompanyUnited States of America
Bell Medical BillingCompanyUnited States of America
Bell Medical BillingCompanyUnited States of America
Bell Medical BillingCompanyUnited States of America
Upper Levisa Clinic PharmacyCompanyUnited States of America
Bell Medical BillingCompanyUnited States of America
Bell Medical BillingCompanyUnited States of America
Bell Medical BillingCompanyUnited States of America
Anna Behavioral ServicesCompanyUnited States of America
Joshua AnnaPersonUnited States of America
Northern Kentucky Center for Pain Relief, LLCCompanyUnited States of America
Timothy EhnPersonUnited States of America
Luminus Diagnostics LLCCompanyUnited States of America