US Navy Leadership

Current leaders of the United States Navy, including biographies and organizational roles within the Navy's command structure.

The US Navy leadership includes detailed profiles of senior leaders such as the Secretary of the Navy, the Chief of Naval Operations, and other key figures. These profiles feature name, rank, and, where applicable, the full biography can be accessed via source links.

Data overview

Entity types:
United States of America588
Publisher:United States Navy (Navy) · United States

The United States Navy is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for conducting naval operations and ensuring maritime security and superiority. The Navy is structured into operational and administrative commands. The operational command includes fleets and task forces that manage naval operations globally, while the administrative command encompasses various shore facilities and support units that ensure readiness and logistics.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default · Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
Source data:www.navy.mil · html
Coverage:added · frequency: daily
Last processed:2025-03-23 14:50:03
Last change:
Warnings:1 Warning

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities416.65 KB
names.txtTarget names text file23.29 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format424.28 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON412.58 KB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV56.31 KB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Jacquelyn "Jackie" McClellandPersonUnited States of America
Tom MoningerPersonUnited States of America
Paul LanzilottaPersonUnited States of America
Jeffrey J. “Jeff” KilianPersonUnited States of America
Patrick S. HaydenPersonUnited States of America
Carl A. LahtiPersonUnited States of America
Thomas M. HenderschedtPersonUnited States of America
Kimberly WalzPersonUnited States of America
Stuart MunschPersonUnited States of America
Forrest YoungPersonUnited States of America
Lisa FranchettiPersonUnited States of America
David-Tavis M. PollardPersonUnited States of America
Terence G. EmmertPersonUnited States of America
Victor B. MinellaPersonUnited States of America
Rick CheesemanPersonUnited States of America
US Navy Leadership - OpenSanctions