Wikidata Persons in Relevant Categories

Category-based imports from Wikidata, the structured data version of Wikipedia.

This dataset is based on querying Wikipedia category pages for entities of interest.

Using PETScan, this dataset is generated by querying specific categories on Wikidata and extracting the entities that are part of them and describe persons.

This is used to fetch profiles of politically exposed persons and other entities of interest.

Data overview

Entity types:
261 countries · Show overview...
Publisher:Wikidata non-official source

Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. It acts as central storage for the structured data of its Wikimedia sister projects including Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wiktionary, Wikisource, and others.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default
Source data:petscan.wmcloud.org · CSV
Coverage:added · frequency: daily · At 22:00
Last processed:2025-03-27 22:12:03
Last change:
Errors:1 Error
Warnings:105 Warnings

Using the API

You can query the data in this dataset via the application programming interface (API) endpoints below. Please read the introduction for documentation and terms of service.

Use the Reconciliation API in OpenRefine:
For full-text search, use the /search endpoint:
For entity matching, use the /match endpoint:

Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Thomas SheddPerson
Алексеев, Владимир КонстантиновичPerson
Дупак, Владимир ВладимировичPerson
Иванов, Александр АлексеевичPerson
Сидоров, Владимир ФедоровичPerson
Шаров, Александр НиколаевичPerson
Аниканов, Александр НиколаевичPersonRussia
Бодунков, Алексей ФеликсовичPersonGlobal
Галдин, Александр ПетровичPerson
Губин, Вячеслав ГеннадиевичPersonGlobal
Дюбанов, Александр МихайловичPerson
Еремейцева, Наталья НиколаевнаPersonGlobal
Зинина, Светлана ИвановнаPerson
Калтайс, Александр ВалерьевичPersonGlobal
Качан, Алла СергеевнаPersonGlobal