South Africa Municipal Leadership

Profiles of municipal heads in South Africa, focusing on key political figures such as the Mayor and Municipal Manager.

The dataset provides information on Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) across all municipalities in South Africa. It focuses on individuals holding key positions of influence, including Mayor/Executive Mayor and Municipal Manager, within each municipality.

Data overview

Entity types:
South Africa1,538
Publisher:National Treasury of South Africa (NT) · South Africa

The Constitution of the Republic (Chapter 13) mandates the National Treasury to ensure transparency, accountability and sound financial controls in the management of public finances.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default · Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
Source data:municipaldata.treasury.gov.za · json
Coverage:added · frequency: weekly
Last processed:2025-03-24 12:55:52
Last change:
Errors:1 Error

Using the API

You can query the data in this dataset via the application programming interface (API) endpoints below. Please read the introduction for documentation and terms of service.

Use the Reconciliation API in OpenRefine:
For full-text search, use the /search endpoint:
For entity matching, use the /match endpoint:

Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Dawie AdonisPersonSouth Africa
Mr Trevor AbrahamsPersonSouth Africa
Gugu MncubePersonSouth Africa
Sabelo TiniPersonSouth Africa
Mr Claude TerblanchePersonSouth Africa
Mr Aubrey TsengwaPersonSouth Africa
Machaba MjPersonSouth Africa
Mr Recardo de BruynPersonSouth Africa
Hendrick Legamane NkadimengPersonSouth Africa
Kulani ChaukePersonSouth Africa
Riaz Ahmed JhetamPersonSouth Africa
Dikeledi MotloungPersonSouth Africa
Onneile MosekiPersonSouth Africa
Mr Andries FrankenPersonSouth Africa
Mr Schalk van EedenPersonSouth Africa

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