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Турлан Жалгасулы Абилхайыров

Sanctioned entity
NameТурлан Жалгасулы Абилхайыров[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Nationalitynot available[sources]
First nameТурлан[sources]
ID Number940406351423[sources]
Last nameАбилхайыров[sources]
Middle nameЖалгасулы[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Data sources

Kazakh Terrorist and Terror Financing lists2,573

A combination of two lists of sanctioned individuals and entities published by the Financial Monitoring Agency of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan · AFM

Source data IDs: kzafm-408a9f0e577a157d9807e69598f1bdefcc6335ae · kzafm-d7ce8323cefa104e5f5d078c56ebaf33f031ec04

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