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Jose Antonio Almendariz Rivas

Politician · Sanctioned entity
NameJose Antonio Almendariz Rivas · José Antonio Almendáriz Rivas[sources]
Birth datenot available[sources]
NationalityEl Salvador[sources]
CountryEl Salvador[sources]
PositionLegislative Assembly (member, 2015-2018)[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Data sources

US Anti-Kleptocracy and Human Rights Visa Restrictions528

US Visa restrictions on officials of foreign governments and family members credibly implicated in corruption or human rights violations

United States · State

Every Politician58,852

All members of national legislatures in the world, collected from hundreds of government web sites and consolidated via Wikidata.

MySociety · non-official source

Source data IDs: evpo-6d7cbf5e-8dc7-492e-9fdf-a379d7783e80 · us-klepto-hr-visa-el-salvador-jose-antonio-almendariz-rivas

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