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Shihezi Hengsheng Clothing Co., Ltd.

Trade risk · Sanction-linked entity
NameShihezi Hengsheng Clothing Co., Ltd. · Shihezi Hengsheng Garment Co · 石河子市恒盛服装有限公司[sources]
Legal formnot available[sources]
Classification1. Labor Transfers in XUAR · 4. Priority Sector Apparel[sources]
KeywordsPrison labor[sources]
ProgramCompanies Named in Media and Academic Reports as engaging in Labour Transfers or other XUAR Government Programs[sources]
Statusnot available[sources]
Address200 meters southwest of Hos Ark Village, Shihezi City Materials Factory, Xinjiang · 200 meters southwest of Huosyak Village, Material Factory, Shihezi City, Xinjiang · 新疆石河子市材料厂霍斯阿尔克村西南200米[sources]
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Companies Operating in the Uyghur Region non-official source,


Data sources

Companies Operating in the Uyghur Region53,290

Companies operating in Xinjiang; some engaged in labour transfer and other XUAR Government Programs.

SHU · non-official source

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Source data IDs: shu-xj-a93bce5f17aac273e21d36efcd40d1a8c64d5931 · shu-xj-7fa162471628754ee6b2f753b54c369c10fc5527

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