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Deputy Prime Minister

Head of government or state · National government
NameDeputy Prime Minister[sources]
Subnational jurisdiction name or codenot available[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Data sources

US CIA World Leaders11,090

An index of most national-level cabinet members in world governments that is publicly maintained by the CIA.

United States · CIA

External databases

The record has been enriched with data from the following external databases:

PEP position annotations by OpenSanctions101,820

Entity categorisation decisions by the OpenSanctions team.

External dataset · OpenSanctions · non-official source

Source data IDs: us-cia-a9537975f98dc72ca58f8c9875382a99368a9b20 · us-cia-241b72975cd0ec87490f9954eff91bd2237bec20

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