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Sanctioned entity
NameNATIONAL DEFENSE FORCES · National Defense Forces (Organized People’s Committees - Shabiha) · قوات الدفاع الوطني · قوات الدفاع الوطني (اللجان الشعبية المنظمة - الشبيحة)[sources]
Incorporation date[sources]
Legal formnot available[sources]
KeywordsGovernment Organization · Irregular armed forces · Miles for the system · public sector · القوات الأمنية النظامية · 7 more...[sources]
SummaryParamilitary groups organized by the Syrian government with the purpose of supporting military operations against the armed opposition. Reported to be 60,000 strong as of June 2013. Numbers are expected to have risen to 100,000 (as of August 2013). Founded by Bassam Merhej Al-Hassan. Led by Hawash Muhammad. Placed on US sanctions lists. · مجموعات عسكرية سورية غير نظامية تم تنظيمها لاحقا من قبل الحكومة السورية في نهايات ٢٠١٢. مهمتها المساندة في عملياته ضد المعارضة المسلحة. كان اللواء بسام مرهج الحسن رئيس أركان قوات الدفاع الوطني وخلفه العميد هواش محمد. مدرجة في قوائم العقوبات الأمريكية[sources]
Unique Entity IDCMY1GNAHNJK5[sources]
Statusnot available[sources]
AddressDAMASCUS, SYR · Damascus[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


مجموعة عسكرية سورية تم تنظيمها من قبل الحكومة السورية ومهمتها المساندة في عملياته ضد المعارضة المسلحة. تفيد التقارير أن تكون القوة قوامها 60،000 مقاتل ومقاتلة اعتبارا من يونيو 2013 ويتوقع أن ترتفع إلى 100،000 (وصل إلى هذا العدد في أغسطس 2013). أنشأها بسام مرهج الحسن وأوكلت مهمة قيادتها إلى هواش محمد. مدرجة في قوائم العقوبات الأمريكية

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,

The National Defense Forces are paramilitary groups that were later organized by the Syrian government by late 2012. Its mission is supporting the regime’s military operations against the armed opposition. Major General Bassam Merhej Al-Hassan was Chief of Staff of the National Defense Forces, and was succeeded by Brigadier General Hawash Muhammad. The National Defense Forces have been placed on US sanctions lists.

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,


Data sources

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List34,120

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

US SAM Procurement Exclusions104,965

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks1,079

A knowledge graph of persons of interest inside Syria, including detailed information on family relationships and business ties.

Obsalytics · non-official source

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,850

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

Source data IDs: ofac-30228 · usgsa-s4mrfb77d · opensyr-node-196

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