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Kim Kwang Chun

Sanctioned entity
NameKIM, Kwang Chun · KWANG CHUN KIM · Kim Kwang Chun · Kwang Chun Kim · キム・グァンチュン[sources]
Other nameKim Kwang-ch'un · Kim Kwang-chun[sources]
Birth date[sources]
NationalityNorth Korea[sources]
DescriptionDesignated by the United States Department of the Treasury in January 2015. Representative of Korea Ryungseng Trading Corporation (a.k.a. Korea Tangun Trading Corporation. KPe.008) in Syria and China.[sources]
First nameKWANG CHUN · Kwang Chun[sources]
Last nameKIM · Kim[sources]
PositionKorea Ryungseng Trading Corporation Representative in Shenyang, China · コリア・タングン・トレーディング・コーポレーションの中国・瀋陽における代表者[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Connected to designated entity Korea Ryunseng Trading Corporation, including as its representative in Shenyang, China

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List,


Data sources

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List33,376

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,254

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

US SAM Procurement Exclusions112,283

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People3,595

Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.

Japan · MoF

DPRK Reports5,519

A database of entities and events related to North Korea's sanctions evasion efforts.

United Kingdom · RUSI · non-official source

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List4,251

The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law

Australia · DFAT

Source data IDs: usgsa-s4mr4jjmh · kprusi-3b51318d2d4e473fe4b46ab0eb02c83a3cde603c · au-dfat-3077-kim-kwang-chun · ja-mof-b9187a7701e7006e7e69b37cd1c125e1dc00f201 · ofac-17617

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