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Richard Hely-Hutchinson, 8th Earl of Donoughmore

NameRichard Hely-Hutchinson · Richard Hely-Hutchinson, 8th Earl of Donoughmore · Ричард Хатчинсон, 8-й граф Донамор[sources]
Other nameRichard Michael John Hely Hutchinson, 8th Earl of Donoughmore · Richard Michael John Hely Hutchinson, 8th Earl of Donoughmore of Knocklofty · Ричард Майкл Джон Хели-Хатчинсон, 8-й граф Донамор · Хели-Хатчинсон, Ричард, 8-й граф Донамор[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Nationalitynot available[sources]
CitizenshipUnited Kingdom[sources]
First nameRichard[sources]
Wikidata IDQ7326372[sources]
Positionmember of the House of Lords (-1999)[sources]
EducationNew College · Winchester College[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Irish peer (born 1927)

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