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Mitglied der Bezirksvertretung ("Bezirksrat") von Wien-Brigittenau

Legislative branch of government · Municipal government
NameMitglied der Bezirksvertretung ("Bezirksrat") von Wien-Brigittenau[sources]
Subnational jurisdiction name or codenot available[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Position holders
HolderStart dateEnd date
Elisabeth Kittl Politician-
Romana Deckenbacher Politician

Data sources

Austria Public Officials1,585

List of politicians and others officials from Austria.

Austria · Meine Abgeordneten · non-official source

External databases

The record has been enriched with data from the following external databases:

PEP position annotations by OpenSanctions101,817

Entity categorisation decisions by the OpenSanctions team.

External dataset · OpenSanctions · non-official source

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