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Hebei Tongchuang Liantai Hospital Management Co., Ltd.

Debarred entity
TypeLegal entity[sources]
NameHEBEI TONGCHUANG LIANTAI HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. · Hebei Tongchuang Liantai Hospital Management Co., Ltd.[sources]
Other name河北同创联泰医院管理有限公司[sources]
Legal formnot available[sources]
Registration number131124000036380[sources]
Statusnot available[sources]
AddressHOSPITAL OF PEOPLE'S, NO 171, JIANKANG EAST ROAD, RAOYANG COUNTY, HENGSHUI CITY, HEBEI PROVINCE, China · Hospital of People's , No 171, Jiankang East Road, Raoyang County, Hengshui, City, Hebei Province · Hospital of People's No 171, Jiankang East Road Raoyang County Hengshui City Hebei Province People’s Republic of China[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


CountryAuthorityProgramStart dateEnd date
-World BankCross Debarment: ADB
-African Development Bank Group-
-Cross-debarment from Asian Development Bank-
-Asian Development Bank-

Data sources

WorldBank Debarred Providers2,378

The firms and individuals listed in this dataset are debarred and thus ineligible to participate in World Bank-financed contracts for the periods indicated.

World Bank

African Development Bank Debarred Entities996

Individuals and firms that have been sanctioned by AfDB, for having participated in coercive, collusive, corrupt, fraudulent or obstructive practices under the Bank’s sanctions system.

Global · AfDB

EBRD Ineligible Entities1,242

Entities that have been declared ineligible to become EBRD counterparties due to fraud, corruption, collusion, or other prohibited practices.

Global · EBRD

Asian Development Bank Sanctions1,263

The ADB's published sanctions list. It contains the names of entities who violated the sanctions while ineligible; entities who committed second and subsequent violations; debarred entities who are uncontactable; and cross debarred entities.

Global · ADB

Source data IDs: wbdeb-888040 · ebrd-0c11003f4bb937a52496f14ce931c1e06eab22de · adb-b9ea6bf03f92d1b2cd66903b1c172513b5c994fb · ebrd-05fc2209c06dd77586c64acb43e0c38bd47c7170 · afdb-98ee59e444fb034024ac35141e307b5b9d1c6753

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