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Middle East Marketing Co

NameMiddle East Marketing Co · شركة الشرق الأوسط للتسويق (اتصالات وتقنية معلومات)[sources]
Other nameMiddle East Marketing Information and Communications Technology (MEMO-ICT)[sources]
Incorporation datenot available[sources]
Jurisdictionnot available[sources]
KeywordsCommunications and Technology Sector · Private sector · قطاع الاتصالات والتقنية · قطاع خاص[sources]
Registration numbernot available[sources]
SummaryAn information technology and marketing company owned by Hamsho International. Muhammad Hamsho is the chairman of its board of directors. · شركة تقنية معلومات وتسويق مملوكة من مجموعة حمشو الدولية ويرأس محمد حمشو مجلس إدارتها[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Middle East Marketing Co is an information technology and marketing company owned by Hamsho International. Muhammad Hamsho is the chairman of its board of directors. /

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,

شركة تقنية معلومات وتسويق مملوكة من مجموعة حمشو الدولية ويرأس محمد حمشو مجلس إدارتها

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,


Data sources

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks1,079

A knowledge graph of persons of interest inside Syria, including detailed information on family relationships and business ties.

Obsalytics · non-official source

For experts: raw data explorer