Type | Position | [sources] | |||
Name | statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (FUND FOR THE SUPPORT OF ARTS) · štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (FOND NA PODPORU UMENIA) | [sources] | |||
Country | Slovakia | [sources] | |||
Subnational jurisdiction name or code | not available | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
List of public officials in Slovakia, including their names, positions, and other relevant information.
Slovakia · NR SR
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Position holders | |||
Holder | Start date | End date | |
Ondrej Zimka Politician | - | - | |
Silvia Stasselová Politician | - | - | |
Igor Piačka Politician | - | - | |
Július Lomenčík Politician | - | - | |
Iveta Babjaková Politician | - | - | |
Peter Grutka Politician | - | - | |
Paulína Szentesi Politician | - | - | |
Adriána Tomičová Politician | - | - | |
Dušan Buran Politician | - | - | |
Ján Hrkút Politician | - | - | |
Richard Rikkon Politician | - | - | |
Rastislav Steranka Politician | - | - | |
Matúš Oľha Politician | - | - | |
Alžbeta Lukáčová Politician | - | - |