Frequently asked questions

#160: How can I upgrade yente to the latest version?

Category: yente · Last updated: · Permalink

We release new versions of yente on a regular basis in order to add new features, expand our data model and improve the scoring system. We recommend that all users of the on-premise version of the software schedule software upgrades at least twice a year in order to ensure proper functioning of the tool.

In order to perform an upgrade, a few steps need to be taken:

  • Upgrade the docker image used in your deployment to pull in the latest functionality. The version of yente is determined by the active tag of the Docker container in operation:<version>. Simply changing that version tag will trigger an update. If you're running in Docker compose (the default), open docker-compose.yml and edit the line, then run docker compose pull to fetch the latest container. docker compose restart app will run the new container version.
  • Force a re-index of the whole dataset to make sure the schema is properly reflected. After each software upgrade, you should force a full re-index of the data to make sure everything is working properly. The command for this is yente reindex -f, which needs to be run inside the Docker container used to perform indexing. If you're using Docker compose (the default), the full command is: docker compose run --rm app yente reindex -f (app is the name of the compose service used by the application). In other environments, such as Kubernetes, you may want to temporarily update the indexer cron job to include the -f flag.
  • Adapt client applications to handle new entity types and properties. We regularly introduce new fields or entity types in the data model to capture additional dimensions of the entities we cover. Read our changelog to keep updated, and make sure your application reads all the fields relevant to it.
  • Ensure that the scoring system you use is ideal for your purposes. yente's /match API endpoint supports multiple different algorithms used to score results. As new algorithms are released, keep an eye on those developments to make sure you're still using the best solution available in the tool. yente will not switch algorithms automatically and try to keep existing implementations stable, so making this change is up to you.

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