Frequently asked questions

#71: How does yente update its index?

Category: yente · Last updated: · Permalink

Here is a very quick tour of how yente works:

  • When the application starts, it will download a metadata file from which states the latest version of the OpenSanctions data that was been released.
  • If there is fresh data, it will create an ElasticSearch index with a timestamp that match the latest release of the data (e.g. yente-entities-all-00220221030xxxx).
  • It will then fetch the latest data from (a 500MB+ JSON file) and store it onto the /tmp volume of the container.
  • Once the data is downloaded, it will read entity data from the file and push it into ElasticSearch in small batches.
  • When all the data is indexed, yente will create an ES index alias from yente-entities-all to the latest snapshot of the index (e.g. yente-entities-all-00220221030xxxx) and delete all older snapshots of the index.
  • Only once this has completed will the /search and /match APIs work correctly. On the plus side, any future updates to the data will be indexed first, and the switch-over to the new data will be instantaneous.

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How does yente update its index? - OpenSanctions