Frequently asked questions

#72: All my HTTP requests return index_not_found_exception, what's wrong?

Category: yente · Last updated: · Permalink

This probably means that the initial index-building never completed. Check the following:

  1. That the machine you are running the indexer/yente app on is able to fetch data via HTTPS from
  2. That a temporary, timestamped index (see above) was created in ElasticSearch (which means indexing has at least begun).
  3. That the final yente-entities-all was created. If a timestamped index was created, but the final alias does not exist, it likely means that indexing was aborted half-way. This could be because a) the downloaded data could not be fetched or stored in its entirety, b) the indexing of entities was aborted, perhaps due to a lack of system memory or compute time.

While debugging this issue, you can use http://yente-service:8000/updatez?token=UPDATE_TOKEN&force=true to trigger a forced re-index of the data at any time. The UPDATE_TOKEN is a secret token you can define in the environment of the yente pod using the YENTE_UPDATE_TOKEN variable.

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