Frequently asked questions

#83: How can I use Amazon's OpenSearch as a backend for yente?

Category: yente · Last updated: · Permalink

Since version 4.0, yente supports both ElasticSearch and OpenSearch (a fork of ElasticSearch maintained by Amazon) as backends. This makes it easy to run the appliance on the AWS cloud. In order to switch the backend type from the default (elasticsearch), set the following environment variables in the deployment configuration of the yente container:


If you have enabled username/password authentication for your OpenSearch index, you can supply these credentials using environment variables:


You can also use the AWS credentials in the local environment (normally configured via AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) to access a hosted instance of OpenSearch. To use these credentials, set the following environment variables:

# Classic AWS OpenSearch:
# Or, for serverless:


While ElasticSearch and OpenSearch are based on the same initial code base, we expect the two products to deviate more and more as time progresses. Since our hosted infrastructure is running on Elastic Cloud, we cannot make the following guarantees into the future:

  • Search results returned by the /search API may not be identical, or in the same ranking order.
  • The extended query syntax used by the /search API may deviate from the one exposed by ElasticSearch.
  • The performance/query throughput of ElasticSearch and OpenSearch may deviate in the future.

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How can I use Amazon's OpenSearch as a backend for yente? - OpenSanctions