Frequently asked questions

#84: Why do results in the /match and /search endpoints not include relationships?

Category: API · Last updated: · Permalink

When you receive result entities from the /search and /match endpoints, the returned data is limited to properties of the entity itself: it's name, identifiers, key dates etc.

However, adjacent entities - such as family or business relationships, and detailed records regarding per-country sanctions designations - are not included in this "shallow" representation of each entity. In order to receive the "nested" version of each entity (which contains relationships and data from nested entities), you need to fetch the /entities/<result_id> endpoint of the API.

The rationale for serving shallow entities is that computing and returning the nested representation produces a significant database overhead and would make the /search and /match endpoints an order of magnitude slower.

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Why do results in the /match and /search endpoints not include relationships? - OpenSanctions