Statements: Pavel Aleksandrovich VASILYEV

Canonical ID: NK-Zg9MxBfTMZFYQ9RaXhVrUY · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionPremier lieutenantmc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-6778f3efd93c3bf99dc363b2deec5b5da610feab
Person:positionmember of the Missile Pre-Planning unit at the Main Computing Centre of the General Staff (GVC) of Russia’s Armed Forcesengeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-9297-1
Person:positionmember of the Missile Pre-Planning unit at the Main Computing Centre of the General Staff (GVC) of Russia’s Armed Forcesengbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-9297-1
Person:positionMember of the Missile Pre-Planning unit at the Main Computing Centre of the General Staff of Russia’s Armed Forces General Staffengjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-8b70d5403d5c126c9fcfdf4a87949f095dd4549e
Person:positionMembre de l'unité de préplanification des missiles du centre de calcul principal de l'état- major général des forces armées russesfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-5333
Person:positionPremier lieutenantfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-5333
Person:positionmember of the Missile Pre-Planning unit at the Main Computing Centre of the General Staff (GVC) of Russia’s Armed Forceseu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-146847
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