Statements: Andrei Mikalaevich DAILIDA

Canonical ID: NK-c77yMbtzaZiL4d3iyvoAcr · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionHead of the Rear Support Department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, former Deputy Head of the Penal Correction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairsengbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-6405-45
Person:positionHead of the Rear Support Department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, former Deputy Head of the Penal Correction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairseu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-130284
Person:positionHead of the Rear Support Department at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, former Deputy Head of the Penal Correction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairsengeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-6405-45
Person:positionChef du département de soutien logistique au ministère de l’intérieur de Biélorussie,frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-3644
Person:positionancien adjoint du chef du département de l’application des peines du ministère de l’intérieurfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-3644
Person:positionChef du département de soutien logistique au ministère de l’intérieur de Biélorussie.mc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-968c28c74c1e8ac60d80b66e3ab7ab984b8c1e29
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