Canonical ID: NK-ebeb92K6DMsxWUBTrWsbyW
· Entity type: Person
Property | Value | Lang | Source dataset | Source ID | First seen | ||
Person:position | Général de corps d’armée, commandant du Bureau des opérations spéciales n° 3 des forces armées du Myanmar/de la Birmanie (Tatmadaw). | fra | mc_fund_freezes | mc-freezes-cbf69d4890d8ede8c3c0ed3a8dc0ac85ac262504 | |||
Person:position | Commander of Bureau Special Operation 3 (BOS 3) of the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw). Previously, he served as Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Home Affairs and he was the commander of the Western Command. | eu_travel_bans | eu-tb-logical-145490 | ||||
Person:position | Commandant du Bureau des opérations spéciales no 3 des forces armées du Myanmar/de la Birmanie (Tatmadaw) depuis avril 2021 | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-5041 | |||
Person:position | Général de corps d’armée | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-5041 | |||
Person:position | Commander of Bureau Special Operation 3 (BOS 3) of the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw). Previously, he served as Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Home Affairs and he was the commander of the Western Command. | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-9039-70 | ||||
Person:position | Commander of Bureau Special Operation 3 (BOS 3) of the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw). Previously, he served as Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Home Affairs and he was the commander of the Western Command. | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-9039-70 |