Canonical ID: Q109941520
· Entity type: Person
Property | Value | Lang | Source dataset | Source ID | First seen | ||
Person:position | Member of the ‘Parliament’ of the so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ and Chairman of the public association Union of Veterans of the Donbass Berkut and a member of the public movement ‘Free Donbass’. | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-3596-12 | ||||
Person:position | 「ドネツク人民共和国議会議員」(自称) | eng | jp_mof_sanctions | ja-mof-263f0d07b4d5dc0a6a3f921507c68f4e01030850 | |||
Person:position | Self-proclaimed “Member of National Council of Donetsk People’s Republic” | eng | jp_mof_sanctions | ja-mof-263f0d07b4d5dc0a6a3f921507c68f4e01030850 | |||
Person:position | président de l’association publique appelée l’Union des vétérans du Donbass Berku | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-1025 | |||
Person:position | membre du "parlement" de la soi-disant "République populaire de Donetsk" | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-1025 | |||
Person:position | membre du mouvement public "Donbass libre" | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-1025 | |||
Person:position | Member of the ‘Parliament’ of the so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ and Chairman of the public association Union of Veterans of the Donbass Berkut and a member of the public movement ‘Free Donbass’. | eu_travel_bans | eu-tb-logical-7521 | ||||
Person:position | Member of the ‘Parliament’ of the so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ and Chairman of the public association Union of Veterans of the Donbass Berkut and a member of the public movement ‘Free Donbass’. | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-3596-12 | ||||
Person:position | membre du "parlement" de la soi-disant "République populaire de Donetsk", président de l’association publique appelée l’Union des vétérans du Donbass Berku, membre du mouvement public "Donbass libre" | fra | mc_fund_freezes | mc-freezes-ec3f36868520464f69e843f330ddcd3ebd966324 | |||
Person:position | member of the People's Council of the Donetsk People's Republic (2014-) | eng | wikidata | Q109941520 |