Canonical ID: Q118583552
· Entity type: Person
Property | Value | Lang | Source dataset | Source ID | First seen | ||
Person:position | Working for the Fund ‘Mir Detiam’ in Moscow. Former ‘Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Religion’ of the so-called ‘Luhansk People's Republic’. | eng | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-3614-39 | |||
Person:position | Ancienne “ministre de l’éducation, des sciences, de la culture et de la religion” de la soi-disant “République populaire de Louhansk” | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-1477 | |||
Person:position | Working for the Fund ‘Mir Detiam’ in Moscow. Former ‘Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Religion’ of the so-called ‘Luhansk People's Republic’. | eng | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-3614-39 | |||
Person:position | «екс-міністр освіти, науки, культури та релігії «ЛНР» | ukr | ua_nsdc_sanctions | ua-nsdc-13947-lapteva-lesa-mihajlivna | |||
Person:position | колишня так звана «міністр освіти, науки, культури та релігії ЛНР» | ukr | ua_nsdc_sanctions | ua-nsdc-13947-lapteva-lesa-mihajlivna | |||
Person:position | Working for the Fund ‘Mir Detiam’ in Moscow. Former ‘Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Religion’ of the so-called ‘Luhansk People's Republic’. | eu_travel_bans | eu-tb-logical-7526 | ||||
Person:position | 「ルハンスク人民共和国教育科学文化宗教相」(自称) | eng | jp_mof_sanctions | ja-mof-bf67b0fe6090bbebaa97e496a38d44a8007642df | |||
Person:position | Self-proclaimed “Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Religion of the Luhansk(Lugansk) People’s Republic | eng | jp_mof_sanctions | ja-mof-bf67b0fe6090bbebaa97e496a38d44a8007642df | |||
Person:position | Former 'Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Religion' of the so-called 'Luhansk People's Republic'. | eng | gb_fcdo_sanctions | gb-fcdo-rus0016 |