Statements: Jaroslav Martinů

Canonical ID: Q12023934 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionChamber of Deputies (member, 2010-2013)everypoliticianevpo-f0b10fb7-6c71-4f18-9ce7-e51d38c82925
Person:positiondeputy mayor of a place in the Czech Republic (2002-2006)engwikidataQ12023934
Person:positionmayor of a place in the Czech Republic (2006-)engwikidataQ12023934
Person:positionMember of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (2010-2013)engwikidataQ12023934
Person:positionPardubice Region Assembly member (2012-2018)engwikidataQ12023934
Person:positionmember of a Czech municipal council (1994-)engwikidataQ12023934
Person:positionMember of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (2017-2021)engwikidataQ12023934
Person:positionPardubice Region Assembly member (2004-2008)engwikidataQ12023934
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