Statements: Marie Benešová

Canonical ID: Q12035364 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionpředseda Legislativní rady vlády České republiky (2013-2014)ceswikidataQ12035364
Person:positionMinister of Justice of the Czech Republic (2013-2014)engwikidataQ12035364
Person:positionpředseda Legislativní rady vlády České republiky (2019-2021)ceswikidataQ12035364
Person:positionMember of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (2013-2017)engwikidataQ12035364
Person:positionProsecutor General of the Czech Republic (1999-2005)engwikidataQ12035364
Person:positionMinister of Justice of the Czech Republic (2019-2021)engwikidataQ12035364
Person:positionChamber of Deputies (member, 2013-)everypoliticianevpo-6a42a49a-5152-4e42-90f2-3d9de09f3971
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