Statements: Howard Flight

Canonical ID: Q1234410 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionmember of the House of Lords (2011-)engwikidataQ1234410
Person:positionmember of the 52nd Parliament of the United Kingdom (1997-2001)engwikidataQ1234410
Person:positionmember of the 53rd Parliament of the United Kingdom (2001-2005)engwikidataQ1234410
Person:positionShadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury (2002-2004)engwikidataQ1234410
Person:positionmember of the 53rd Parliament of the United Kingdom (2005-2005)engwikidataQ1234410
Person:positionHouse of Commons (member, 2001-2005)everypoliticianevpo-20ddb7c9-251b-4a6b-b939-b148dd0709fb
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