Statements: Patrick Boyle, 10th Earl of Glasgow

Canonical ID: Q335671 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:namePatrick Boyle, 10th Earl of Glasgowwd_pepsQ335671
Person:namePatrick Boyle, 10. hrabia GlasgowpolwikidataQ335671
Person:namePatrick Boyle, 10th Earl of GlasgowspawikidataQ335671
Person:namePatrick BoylefinwikidataQ335671
Person:namePatrick Boyle, 10. Earl of GlasgowdeuwikidataQ335671
Person:nameБойл, Патрик, 10-й граф ГлазгоruswikidataQ335671
Person:namePatrick Boyle, 10th Earl of Glasgowengwd_categoriesQ335671
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