Statements: Juan de Dios Izquierdo Collado

Canonical ID: Q3823881 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionMember of the European Parliament (1994-1999)engwikidataQ3823881
Person:positionmember of the Senate of SpainengwikidataQ3823881
Person:positionMember of the Congress of Deputies (1993-1994)engwikidataQ3823881
Person:positionMember of the European Parliament (1999-2004)engwikidataQ3823881
Person:positionMember of the Congress of Deputies (1989-1993)engwikidataQ3823881
Person:positionMember of the Congress of Deputies (1986-1989)engwikidataQ3823881
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