Statements: Alfonso Rueda

Canonical ID: Q588412 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionMinistry of Presidency, Civil Service and Justice (2009-2022)engwikidataQ588412
Person:positionmember of the Parliament of Galicia (2009-)engwikidataQ588412
Person:positionPresident of the Xunta of Galicia (2022-)engwikidataQ588412
Person:positionvicepresidente de la Junta de Galicia (2012-2022)spawikidataQ588412
Person:positionsecretario general del Partido Popular (2006-2016)spawikidataQ588412
Person:positionPresident of the People's Party of Galicia (2022-)engwikidataQ588412
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