Statements: Jim Carr

Canonical ID: Q6194065 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionHouse of Commons (member, 2015-)everypoliticianevpo-f6eeb37c-e6f5-44ce-acdd-fa6c33dc22a1
Person:positionmember of the House of Commons of Canada (2015-)engwikidataQ6194065
Person:positionMinister without portfolio (2021-2021)engwikidataQ6194065
Person:positionmember of the House of Commons of CanadaengwikidataQ6194065
Person:positionMinister of International Trade (2018-2019)engwikidataQ6194065
Person:positionSpecial Representative for the Prairies (2021-2021)engwikidataQ6194065
Person:positionMinister of Natural Resources (2015-2018)engwikidataQ6194065
Person:positionmember of the House of Commons of Canada (-2022)engwikidataQ6194065
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